Monday, May 3, 2010

5 1/2 No-Bake Recipes You Shouldn't Miss (and 6 food bloggers you should know)

I took a break from no-baking today to bring you a round-up of my best-of-the-best food bloggers list (who all have no-bake recipes). Let me tell you about my heroes.

They are bloggers who take awesome pictures. But more than visual prowess, I am incredibly turned on (no, not that way!) by bloggers who engage me with words and finely crafted stories. I like knowing what goes behind a recipe, and I like bloggers who show me things I've never seen before. Granted kitchen experiments may not fly all the time, that's what no-baking is about--trying something different and having fun (to me at least). Here are five and a half fantasmic no-bake recipes I recommend, and six food bloggers you should be looking out for (if you weren't already).

1.  Petit Smores by the Internet Cooking Princess

I'm a sucker for super simple, slap-it-on kinds of recipes and anything that takes five minutes to make--that's why I adore this blog. She's all about shortcuts too (which I agree with completely), and this bubbly princess from Texas writes with sass. I love that. Royally awesome, indeed. Check out the ICP's blog here.

2. Truffles Squared

Truffles with truffles? Is there anything more mind-blowing than this? Hannah, you're a rockstar. This vegan baker is the genius behind My Sweet Vegan and this cookbook is proof of her superhero powers, which by the way, she produced before entering college. That's crazy! Check her out at Bitter Sweet Blog.

3. Coconut Orange Juice Cookies by the Cooking Photographer

I have mad love for food photographers because that shiz is hardcore yo! Unlike people, you can't tell a cup of soup to strike a pose or a big fat steak to smile. Laura Flowers is both a cook and a professional photographer and she does amazing work on The Cooking Photographer.

4. Chocolate Muesli Balls by Amrita of

She's a chocoholic too but that's not why she made it on my list. Amrita is a goddess at no-bake desserts (and a lot more) but what I love most about is the personality oozing out of it. Watch out--it's addicting.

5. Chocolate Ice Box Cake by Not So Humble Pie

She calls herself Ms.Humble from Seattle and I think that's insanely cute.  A biological anthropologist runs Not So Humble Pie, and she takes some pretty amazing pictures. That, and her cakes and pies tend to be the cutest things in the world. There's a reason why she has 2000 followers.

5.5 Almost No-Bake Tofu Cheesecake by Kitchen M

I had to include Kitchen M's tofu cheesecake because, well, how do you not fall in love with this? Run by a food photographer from the Bay Area named Em, her photos are uber pretty. Her Almost No-Bake Tofu Cheesecake has a sponge cake base, which is why she had to use an oven to make it, hence the "half," but anybody who makes tofu cheesecake gets major props from me.

That's it for today folks! Have you joined the Great Chocolate Give Away yet?

A hundred squares of Ghirardelli chocolate awaits you.

- Kris Alcantara


  1. I haven't felt this flattered since I started wearing Spanx control tights! Your shout out just made my day, Kris.

  2. And YOUR comment made MY day! Spanx control tights! Now I will think of you whenever I see them..
