Monday, August 31, 2009

I Heart Chocolate.

Chocolates mend broken hearts. Well, sort of.

Next time you're visiting someone in the hospital with heart problems, dump the flowers. Head to the candy store instead.

A recent study said heart attack victims who ate chocolate two or more times a week were linked to "a 66 percent reduction in cardiac mortality while less frequent consumption was also associated with smaller decreased risks."

In simple English: the more they ate chocolate the lesser the chance heart attack victims died of heart-related problems. Eating less chocolate was also linked to a lower rate of not dying of heart-related problems.

Another study said anti-oxidant rich chocolate lowered blood pressure in an experiment conducted on mice. The drop in blood pressure was said to be comparable to a popular anti-hypertensive drug called Captopril.

Hate to say I told you so, but chocolate is good for you and I told you so.

- Kris Alcantara

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